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NSF Small Business Innovation Research/ Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I (SBIR/STTR Phase I)

NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase II (SBIR/STTR Phase II)

NSF 24-582: NSF Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer Fast-Track Pilot Programs (SBIR-STTR Fast-Track)

Guidance on Phase I and Phase II proposal submission timing:

  • Project Pitch invitations issued between May 16, 2023 and September 18, 2023 will now have until September 18, 2024 to submit a full Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal.
  • Project Pitch invitations issued between September 19, 2023 and June 21, 2024 will have the stated one year window to submit their full Phase I SBIR/STTR proposal.
  • Project Pitch invitations are issued with an expiration date for full Phase I proposal submission that falls on the last day of the NEXT submission deadline as announced in the Phase I solicitation (e.g. a Project Pitch invited to submit a full proposal on July 2 will be required to submit a full proposal by Nov. 6, 2024.)
  • In all cases, NSF will honor the stated Phase I submission expiration date listed in the invitation email sent to the Project Pitch submitter.
  • Phase I awardees whose Phase I award started between March 5, 2022 and July 17, 2022 will now have until July 17, 2024 to submit their Phase II SBIR/STTR proposal.
  • Phase I awardees whose Phase I award started on July 18, 2022 or later will still have the normal 24-month-from-award deadline to submit their Phase II SBIR/STTR proposal.