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Cybersecurity and Authentication (CA)

Development of OrganoBait synthetic bait, the NSF-Supported projected from Kepley BioSystems to provide an ocean-restorative alternative bait product

Technology topic

Cybersecurity and Authentication (CA)

The Cybersecurity and Authentication topic focuses on innovations related to the security and integrity of data and data processing and the authentication of people and devices. These subtopic areas are meant to serve as examples; all proposals with technical innovation and significant commercial potential are welcome, regardless of the specific area of focus of the project.


CA1. Computation on Encrypted Data
CA2. Cryptography, including Post-quantum Cryptography
CA3. Data Privacy and Integrity
CA4. Device Authentication
CA5. Encryption, including Homomorphic Encryption
CA6. Network and Device Security
CA7. Personal Authentication
CA8. Secure and Trusted Computing
CA9. Secure Machine-to-Machine Communication
CA10. Security of Cloud and High Performance Computing (HPC) Platforms
CA11. Other Cybersecurity and Authentication Technologies

Program director

Peter Atherton headshot

Peter Atherton

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